Embedding a Chat Widget for a General Site

In today's digital age, chat widgets are an essential tool for businesses you to connect with your customers. Embedding a chat widget on your general site can help you provide instant support to your customers, increase engagement, and ultimately boost your sales. An automated Chatbot like Wonderchat can make your website and your value proposition even more appealing.

Here are steps you can take to instantly embed your Wonderchat widget into your site.

Step 1: Enter the Dashboard and Select The Action Dropdown

Within your dashboard, click on the action button to see an expanded menu.


Step 2: Click on Embed to Website

Once you've chosen your chat widget to embed, click on “Embed to Website” to get the code for your chat widget.


Step 3: Copy the embed code

Afterwards, you'll need to get the embed code to add it to your general site. Click on “Copy to Clipboard” to copy the emebed code. The embed code is a snippet of code that you'll need to copy and paste into your site's HTML code.


Step 4: Add the Embed Code to Your General Site

Now, it's time to add the embed code to your general site. You can do this by opening your site's HTML code and pasting the embed code at the end of the <body> tag.

Make sure to save your changes and test the chat widget to ensure it's working correctly.

Step 5: Monitor and Respond to Chats

Once the chat widget is up and running on your general site, you can then and respond to chats promptly. This will help you provide excellent customer support and build lasting relationships with your customers.

In conclusion, embedding a Wonderchat chat widget for your general site can help you provide instant support to your customers, increase engagement, and boost your sales. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be able to embed a chat widget on your general site quickly and easily.